
This is a simple dropper game in which you control a ball that is descending into virtual space. Navigate through windows using mouse and pilot the dropping ball using arrow keys / WSAD / D-PAD.

I ran out of time before I managed to add a victory screen (sorry). If you completed 2-3 tunnels and interacted with the upgrade window then you pretty much saw most of the content.

There might be an error on Firefox that prevents the game from loading a second time - can't do much about that :S

Repo with project - https://github.com/ktosox/GWJ77-Metamorphosis


Code an design - Ktosox


Gems - https://tridentcorp.itch.io/stylized-gems

Food - https://gualtierisgg.itch.io/low-poly-food

Chess pieces - https://brokenvector.itch.io/low-poly-chess-pack

Various textures - Ktosox


The track that plays when you fall is named "Prismatic Shopping Network" - https://prismaticaudio.itch.io/shopping-music

Closing notes:

Due to poor project management skills I ended up cutting a lot of content.

I really wanted to add mini-game like events that would pop up as you fall. Kinda like quick time events. That was the whole reason for having the game take place in separate windows.

And the whole "limited time" mechanic wasn't part of the original plan - it's a weak replacement for a proper damage system which was supposed to dislodge items attached to the player. But this like many other systems didn't make it to the final build.

I'm also very disappointed with how the level design came out - should have hand crafted the segments which compose levels, rather than procedurally generate everything. It seems that level design is that one thing which consistently I just can't get right.

Thanks for reading my post jam rambling - if you did - and have a nice day!


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Atmosphere of this trippy exploration created by sfx, music & visuals was amazing, reminded me of Cruelty Squad a bi. Gameplay could be improved but deadlines are deadlines and hopefully you have some other great ideas in the future to cook :DD


Thanks for playing!
And I'm actually looking forward to tinkering with game play (among other things) after the jam :D

We can feel there are lots of ideas that you wanted to put in this project, I for myself love the core gameplay, but wish it would be less repetitive, perhaps with ennemies that follow you or changes in the pipe ?
I love what you did with the windows system, really impressive from a coding point of views to do this in one week, it's probably why you had so much troubles with the deadline.
I'm no expert at all, but If I could give an advice, it would be to keep oneself centered on the core gameplay, rather than the menus and the options. And playtest your ideas as soon as possible.
Anyways, doing all this alone is really impressive, I hope you had a good time !

Very true, I pretty much scrapped the damage system a couple days before the deadline and slapped the timer as a last ditch effort to have some kind of fail state. There was supposed to be more happening as you fall, and the level design is lacking since the procedural level generation system was woefully under cooked.

But I'm glad you enjoyed the vibes!

I really truly love the sort of windows xp/dreamcore style your game has. it reminds of those old games that pc's used to come with.

Thanks for playing!

I definitely wish I found the time to add a CRT style screen shader to really sell that look, but it was one of many features I had to cut to meet the deadline. Regardless, I'm glad you liked it!